Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Non-Bookish Websites

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week’s topic is Favorite Websites That Aren’t About Books. I had a lot of fun with this one.

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(in no particular order)

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I spend so much time on YouTube that I could probably make this entire list about the site.  I know a lot of people use YouTube for Booktube, but I actually watch very few booktubers. Maybe some day I’ll make a post about my favorite non-bookish channels!

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I’ve been reading fan fic since I was in middle school (I’m almost 30 now) and I use AO3 almost exclusively, paired with the Instapaper app on my phone. The tags and filters that the website has make it really easy to find exactly what I want to read.

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Is there anyone who doesn’t love Amazon? I talked my cousin into adding me to his Prime account last summer, and now probably 90% of my online shopping is done on Amazon. I’m constantly pulling up the site on my phone to compare prices in stores, and often end up leaving a store empty handed to go home and order an item cheaper on Amazon.

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I don’t know how I watched movies before IMDB. I’m one of those annoying people that pull up a movie’s page constantly while I’m watching to see what I recognize an actor from.

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I have quite a few boards, but I cook a lot and I mostly use Pinterest to keep track of recipes. You can follow me here. I also started a second account recently for teacher resources.

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I had to include Netflix of course! Not much to say about this one because everyone is familiar with Netflix 🙂

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A year ago Tumblr was easily my most frequented website. This year has been so busy for me with work, the co-op, and house hunting that I’ve barely been on it at all. I really miss connecting with my friends there and keeping up with my dash, so I’m hoping to get back into it this summer when I have more time.

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To be honest, I mostly follow BuzzFeed through YouTube, but I do use their app for browse articles quite a lot when I’m bored and have a few minutes to kill. I also love their LGBT section. I often get notifications from BuzzFeed news on my phone before CNN reports of them!

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I love DeafNation so much! It’s an amazing resource for Deaf people, people involved in the Deaf community, and anyone wanting to learn more about Deaf culture. All of their videos are in ASL and have closed captioning for people who don’t know sign.  I highly recommend checking out some of their videos if you have any interest at all in Deaf culture or ASL.

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I follow Everyday Feminism on Facebook and that’s where I come across most of their articles. They’re an amazing resource for intersectional feminism, and they’ve posted some great articles about asexuality in the past couple years.

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If you’ve been trying to learn a new language at all in the past few years, chances are that you’ve used or at least heard of Duolingo.  I’m slowly teaching myself Spanish, and Duolingo has been my favorite online resource for learning and practice.

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Kind of boring, but I’m currently house hunting and I go on these two websites multiple times a day to check for new listings and look at photos of houses in my area.

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I’d love to see what your favorites are so please link me to your posts in the comments 🙂 Are you a fan of any of these websites?

8 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Non-Bookish Websites

  1. I found Duolingo on another list earlier and have since downloaded it and started to learn French!! Such an addictive app though – my poor phone has very littler battery left! Great list

    Liked by 1 person

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